Why it is important to speak kindly to your body

How many people look in the mirror and intuitively say “wow I look amazing today”? For those of you who do, I sincerely applaud you. However, I know for myself and for many others, especially those struggling to lose weight or with body image issues in general, looking in the mirror is not a welcoming activity. When we struggle with a poor body image, we tend to be more drawn to the areas of our bodies that we want to change and that we don’t love.

In my training and through my own experiences, I am learning that this approach is counter-intuitive on many levels. For one, how likely do you want to take care of something that you do not appreciate or that you hate? I know first hand how challenging it can be to focus positive energy on a body that you are trying to change, however it truly is a necessary first step.

Secondly, speaking negatively to yourself on a consistent basis puts your body into a stress response, which causes it to in turn release the hormones cortisol and insulin. These are in fact two hormones that cause us to hold onto weight. Seems counter-intuitive don’t you think?

I invite you to start making it a regular practice to focus on what you do love and appreciate about your body. I love that my body is fit and strong and generally supports me in many fitness challenges that I use it for ranging in intensity from Orange Theory classes, to running, skiing, walking and yoga. I am slowly learning that being able to do all of these activities without resistance or pushback from my body is something to be really grateful for.

What is the nicest thing that you can say about your body? I challenge you to try this exercise on a regular basis.

Jodi Katzin