The PERFECT diet for 2023

Now that I have your attention…anyone who follows me or my work knows that I don’t subscribe to the diet industry or trying to find the next best quick fix to change your body.

As we enter into a new year, I challenge you that instead of a DIET, spend some time reflecting on how you can chase the feelings you might have previously turned to a diet for.

Perhaps you want to feel Lighter - some questions you might ask yourself is what factors in your life are currently weighing you down? Is it activities that you engage in daily that no longer fill you up? Or people you are spending time with who might actually be draining your energy? In which case, it’s not about losing weight at all. But rather taking stock of what you can add to your day to fill you with more joy. And what boundaries you can put in place to ensure your time is spent with those who leave you feeling your best.

Or maybe you enjoy dieting because it gives you a sense of Control -again I challenge you to consider areas of your life where YOU have the power to take back control. Keep in mind that it all starts with your thoughts, which you ALWAYS have control over. Spend some time getting quiet and getting to know the patterns of your thoughts. Try shifting the most powerful thought that is on repeat into a more empowering one - it can become your own daily affirmation. And be intentional with how you plan out your day, whether it is around your meals, movement, self-care, etc. What can make you feel more in control than having your days mindfully mapped out to incorporate the things that are most important to you?

Lastly, almost everyone I have ever come across who wants to lose weight says they want to feel more Confident. Focus on how you can feel confident NOW. Treat yourself to a fun new outfit that you feel your best in. Or take an inventory of all of your 2022 accomplishments to remind yourself of how far you have come and how amazing you are RIGHT NOW!! Ask a few of your closest friends what they love the most about you for an even bigger confidence booster.

Good luck and let me know how it goes!!

Jodi Katzin