Move because you love your body...not because you hate it

Coming up on the 2 year anniversary of this crazy COVID-19 pandemic has definitely impacted us all in different ways. I know for me personally, it has caused my motivation levels to waver in many areas, and occasionally when it comes to moving my body. Which is why this week in my private Facebook group, I offered a free movement challenge.

I used to be one to workout to repent for overindulging the day before. Or to prepare for an upcoming weekend of “cheat meals”. Exercise to me had to be intense and didn’t count until it was at least 45 minutes to an hour. Some days I might choose to go for a walk, but then I would still be sure to do a “real” workout. As I get older (and hopefully a little wiser), and through my professional training and the work I do with clients, I have redefined what movement means to me. I want to move, and encourage others to because we want to HONOUR our bodies, and not PUNISH them. And to recognize and celebrate both the physical and MENTAL benefits of moving.

So the rules for my challenge were quite simple. Move your body EVERY DAY. Whether through a formal workout, a dance party in your room to your favourite song, a quick walk around the block during your lunch break, a yoga flow. Any movement is good movement! As we near the end of week, I shared my final thoughts on movement with my group.

1 - I wanted to reiterate my most important take home message - move because you love your body. Not because you hate it. Forcing yourself to workout because you overate last night will result in a workout that comes from a place of stress. Working out and movement should be fun and lead to a state of relaxation (or heavy sweating if you are doing an intense one)!

2 - Make note of your favourite workouts and bookmark those in your mind (or even keep a running list on your phone or in a notebook)...the next time that your motivation is feeling low, pull out your list for inspiration.

3 - Make movement a habit to keep it consistent. Do it at the same time every day. And pair it with another activity that you do religiously to reinforce the habit even more. I am not a coffee drinker but I know many who are - perhaps every day after you drink your coffee, move your body. Play around and do what works best for you.

4 - Have an accountability partner to keep each other in check. You sharing how you moved your body with your best friend might push her to get off the couch!

5 - While sometimes you really need an extra push to workout, other days a rest day might be in order. And that is OK. Offer yourself grace and self-compassion for tuning in to what you really need.

What is your favourite way to move? And how are you going to move your body today?? I would love if you took a picture of yourself moving and tagged me over on Instagram!

Jodi Katzin