Every small action moves the needle forward; reflecting on my 2019

Last December I attended a workshop led by Sari Nisker-Fox, Life Coach and Yoga Teacher. The purpose of the session was to envision our goals for 2019 and Sari guided us in a beautiful way with thought provoking questions to ultimately create a Vision Board. I have to admit that like many people I am guilty of setting goals like a true champion but the long-term follow through is not always my strong suit. I do remember feeling extra inspired after this workshop and especially when I went home and put the finishing touches on my board. However, I would be lying if I said that negative cynical narrative wasn’t playing in the back of my mind telling me that I wouldn’t actually meet most, if any the goals that I had set out to. And I will also admit that while I displayed my Vision Board proudly in my office at the beginning of the year front and centre where I could see it every day, as months passed, it got covered and hidden by my boys artwork.


 Fast forward to this week when I was cleaning my office and came across the handouts from this workshop and looked back on some of the goals that I had set out for myself and realized, I had actually followed through on A LOT of them!! Most noteworthy were launching this website and jumping into my coaching business which prior to this year I hadn’t envisioned actually being able to wrap my head around. I have also ALWAYS wanted to take singing lessons but thought it was a silly thing for an adult woman who is clearly not going to become the next Lady Gaga to do. Not to mention my kids cringing every time I sing in the car and telling me I have the worst voice. I am happy that I ignored these voices and found myself a local singing teacher who has been amazing and so fun to work with. It has become an activity that I look so forward to every week, even though my kids remind me to never quit my day job and still try to silence me.

 In reflecting on why this year was different from past years in terms of moving towards my goals instead of staying stuck, I want to share the following tips for creating and sticking to your vision: 

1)    Take your time to create a plan and make it clear. The workshop was a perfect starting point to set out goals in different areas of my life and define small actionable steps to make it less overwhelming and daunting.

2)    Commit and dive right in instead of overthinking. I NEVER thought I would be able to create a website on my own until my Life Coach Sari suggested in a session that I make one. Maybe that push from an outside voice was what I needed but it definitely prompted me to finally get it done. Of course I did spend countless hours agonizing over making it as “perfect” as possible but in the end, I accepted what I had and made it public.

3)    Realize the fear will never go away and facing the fears is where true growth happens. Launching a website, putting yourself out there as a new coach or letting a stranger hear you sing isn’t going to feel super comfy but it’s more comfortable than playing small and never accomplishing your goals.

4)    Take action…any action whether big or small will ultimately propel you forward. I am the queen of to-do lists and schedules but until you actually start tackling the tasks and taking them from paper to action nothing will change. 



With a few weeks left in 2019, I invite you to take some time to reflect on how you want your 2020 to play out. If you need an extra nudge, I know that Sari Nisker-Fox is running an event, Invision Resolution Retreat 2020, on January 19, 2020 (www.sarifox.com). What do you want to try next year that you have always put off? Remember nothing changes if nothing changes and DREAM BIG.

Jodi Katzin