45 pearls of wisdom gathered in the past 45 years...

As I celebrate my 45th birthday today and get ready for another trip around the sun, I wanted to share 45 life lessons that I try to always keep in mind…

The magic is in the journey, not the destination

Wear the dress/shorts/bathing suit

Eat the cake

Lean on those who truly care about you

Throw away the scorecard

Make time for play

Laughter is medicine

Self-care is never selfish

Silence and time alone is priceless

A walk is more valuable for your physical and mental health than you realize

Routine helps you build self-integrity

Give your time and attention to others

Move because you love your body, not because you hate it

Hurt people hurt people

You can't hate yourself into change

There is magic in the stillness

True beauty shines from within

You are so much more than your body

Perfectly imperfect is true perfection

Love hard, starting with yourself

What you focus on expands

Where focus goes, energy flows

Set boundaries in your personal relationships

Let it go

You are not for everyone

Comparison is the thief of joy

Smile at strangers, it could make their day

Be grateful

Feel ALL your feelings

Embrace the unknown

Don't dwell on the past

It is never too late to rewrite your story

Your kids are always watching and listening

Spread kindness everywhere you go

Hugs are priceless

There are always 3 sides to every story

Dance in the rain

Life isn't about getting and having, it's about giving and being

You can only meet people where they are at

Forgiveness is freeing for you

All our trauma lives in the body

True magic happens in the messy

Just show up

Start where you are

Every day is a gift

Jodi Katzin